

Open source hardware and software project that delivers 1 cm location accuracy for your next project

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You can now incorporate 1 centimeter level accuracy into your next project using Real Time Kinetic (RTK) GPS for less than ever before. Advances in GPS receivers, RTK algorithms, and micro-processors allows us to offer fully open source solutions that are easy to use in your projects or run as standalone devices on a reasonable budget.

TinkerRTK leverages the SkyTraq PX1125R L1/L5 or PX1122R L1/L2 receiver, which provide a lower cost alternative to Ublox ZED-F9P with similar real world RTK performance. The SkyTraq receiver performs all the RTK processing onboard the receivers, outputting an RTK solution for you to use in your project.

TinkerNav adds additional flexibility with a built in RP2040 (Raspberry Pi Pico’s microprocessor) and an ESP32-C3 WiFi and BlueTooth radio. Sample open source programs are included for a variety of use cases. Program the processor and radio from the USB-C connections using the Arduino IDE or other supported IDEs.

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Bree Hoffman wrote 03/18/2024 at 17:19 point

Where do you buy a PX1122R? I can't find any sites that sell it.

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