

Zuuljs is an IoT access delegation manager written to work with Particle devices. Zuul allows Makers to give conditional access to their IoT

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Zuuljs is an IoT access delegation manager written to work with Particle devices. Zuul allows Makers to give conditional access to their IoT devices via keys, as well as allowing Makers to provide a platform to the owners of their devices to then delegate access themselves.

Zuul was made to solve the initial problem of how to give access to the devices I make using the particle. In this sense it is for Makers to deploy and non-makers to use. As a Maker you create your device, add it to zuul, and make conditional keys for your friends. As a user you login and have a simple way access the devices someone has made.


Sample code for Particle microcontrollers and zuuljs

ino - 3.40 kB - 01/22/2017 at 02:09


  • 1 × Particle Photon

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