
LED Matrix V1

My first LED matrix.

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I have had an ongoing project to make a LED matrix and I have finally got my design printed on a PCB.

This ongoing project consists of a PCB powered off an Arduino.

As you can see from the image there is a wire cut off and you may even think why not use a GPIO pin coming out of the board instead, the reason is because there was meant to be a GPIO pin there but we made some mis-calculation's on sizes so we couldn't get a GPIO pin to fit the wires we had so we just soldered one one making things very fragile. 

My name is Harrison and I am only in year 5 so some of this may be a bit simple but still I hope you like it! 

If you would like to make one please have a look at the instructions here on the project.

I have also added some sample code but that will mean that you need to plug your wires the same way as I do so have a look at the image bellow also listed in the gallery and instructions.

Thank you


The example code

ino - 589.00 bytes - 04/09/2024 at 09:03


Led Matrix V1

The Gerber PCB file

Zip Archive - 17.59 kB - 04/06/2024 at 07:33



The Kicad PCB file

kicad_pcb - 89.11 kB - 04/06/2024 at 00:31


  • 9 × LED 1x1x0.15mm Fiber Optics / Emitters
  • 9 × Resistor 1x1x0.15mm
  • 6 × GPIO Note: Extremely small and I had problems with how small it was.

  • 1
    Downloading the design

    Via Hackaday Download the Kicad file.

  • 2
    Get it printed

    Use a company Eg: JLCPCB and add the file to the company's website then follow the prompts to order it.

  • 3
    Buying the parts

    Have a look at the components I used and order them from somewhere like Digikey .

View all 5 instructions

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