
CC2640 E-ink paper display

Turn a cheap e-price tag to a status display

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E-ink displays are expensive. Not those abandoned e-price tags though! I got 5 of them for less than $1 each. They are made by Blozi which no longer exists. Their loss is my gain. I'll see what I can do with them.

I found that there is a a project that already has a firmware and Android app to update the content. The firmware is based on the TI official examples. 

CC2640 is a MCU with abundant resources and example so it should be not very hard to get started. 

The only thing is that it requires JTAG to re-program the chip. I don't have one and it can be very expensive.

Fortunately I found the blackmagic project for ESP32 and I bought a few ESP32 dev boards for future projects and they have been used yet. So I guess this will be my first ESP32 project.

If everything goes well, I will be able to use ESP32 to flash the CC2540 MCU. Then the next step is to have a firmware that run the BLE stack and takes commands from a Bluetooth broadcaster, i.e. my raspberry pi 4 running HomeAssistant. Eventually I will have theses previous price tags around my home display various interesting status or images.

  • Update 1

    Tyler Ouyang09/13/2024 at 03:25 0 comments

    I ended up buying a JLink which has the mJTAG capability. I used it to flash a custom firmware. I decided to use a more powerful environment for generating the display contents and transfer them to the display. So CC2640 is only responsible for receiving and driving the EPD.

    I made a python script that can create display contents, It has the template concept so only certain text data is needed as input to generate updated views. It's extensible so people can contribute to it by providing more layouts. 

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