

A project log for UxV ground station

creative name pending

mkdxdxmkdxdx 10/09/2024 at 09:440 Comments
Sort of a keep-alive log about trying to figure out how to build on top of what's already present.

So, it's time to populate front panel with buttons and not break anything in the process.

Turns out one cannot imagine every possibility of a part of a project and hold everything in one's head at the same time - one have to actually "just wing it" sometims in order for a viable direction to appear and move on from there.

You can sit there, shuffle buttons and panels in your had all day long, but only one concentrated sitting later you get what works and throw out what does not.

This time buttons should:

And there is also servo tester board that doubles as a control signal generator for video switcher I will add later.

And oh lord how project RESISTS to any change at this point.
