

A project log for UxV ground station

creative name pending

mkdxdxmkdxdx 10/17/2024 at 21:250 Comments
I've got this nagging feeling after that last update - buttons are boring! So I'm gonna have them and something else too!

Panel was remade to house these little custom levers that actuate slide switches for.. stuff I'm going to figure out later. Kinda big now but at least it's more interesting that way, right? With some effort it's also possible to cram in a LED inside to display it's status but that is for later.

Next comes - I've decided to install trims (or trimming controls).
For uninitiated - these are to sort of offset current vehicle controls (add a little constant value for stick axes or channels for different purposed).
Initially these were supposed to be made out of readily available button boards for bluetooth speaker media controls.
But it turned out they are too big to fit everywhere I've wanted them to.

So, instead, I've designed these little harnesses around each stick to house little flat tactile buttons to save on footprint and also fit them as close to stick itself as possible - as a user hint what these do.
And just like that, I've got myself some trims which also add some details to otherwise offensively white case.
