

A project log for UxV ground station

creative name pending

mkdxdxmkdxdx 10/30/2024 at 00:010 Comments
If that looks like a mess - that's because it is and it's that way because it's in the middle of a panel/frame swap (and new panel is right in the center of the frame).

So, new panels - one is for frame part, second is the front one.
It now features openings for a thumbstick, mouse buttons, d-pad, a set of few auxiliaries and also two slider power switches.

And here how it looks more or less assembled:

Button pushers are actually plastic dummies because i will bother with adding proper contacts later, but switches and thumbstick are functional, yet are not connected anywhere.

As for the weird language those rightmost buttons speak - the idea is to have "inverted mouse" arrangement, where index/middle finger operates a thumbstick (and it's hard, that's why it's called a thumbstick, duh), while thumb clicks on what maps to left mouse button. Two other will be interchangeable and map to right/middle mouse buttons. We'll see how it plays out ergonomically.
