Short update, I successfully copied some older Arduino code to connect the Feather board to the Adafruit bluetooth app, and the buttons on the controller (1 through 4) come through just fine, so it has basic bluetooth connectivity working.
I wanted to post a picture of it, but since the display wipes after the button is released AND I am holding the phone taking pictures, not doable.
The next challenge has two main parts
- Make a basic phone app with the ability to connect to the board
- Have that app send data that can be read by the board and acted on. For initial proof of concept, I will try to have it send the same data that the Adafruit app is sending, with a stream of "B4949" for "button 1 pressed", "B4948" for "button 1 released" and so on.
Note the use of ascii numbers for both the number of the button and the status of the button, with 48 being zero and 49 being one.
To some people reading this, this is very basic stuff, but it's a learning experience for me, and possibly for other people reading this very post.
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