
Quick Update: Back to Expo and React Native

A project log for Open source hackable smart watch with app

Develop an open source simple smart watch with companion smart phone app that can be used by others to make their own

jeff-vJeff V 08/31/2024 at 15:370 Comments

I am back to using Expo and React Native, for three reasons: 1) Expo is an easier way for me to generate apps for both Android and iOS, 2) I'm familiar with React and React Native, and 3) I actually got an app to work, and there may be hope yet.

I had success getting a sample project to work with this post:

Long story short, I did not use EAS to make a package then use on my phone, I used USB debugging. It didn't QUITE do what I wanted, but 1) it didn't crash and 2) once I manually turned on bluetooth on my phone, it popped up the bluetooth selection menu. I also had to use Node 16 due to this setup using an outdated SSL setup.

I also found this blog post on the Expo web site I'm going to try to get working:

The main goal is to make an Android app (for now) that connects via bluetooth to my homemade smart watch.
