
Breadboard Prototype

A project log for Star Trek Communicator Badge

In the true spirit of Star Trek, this communicator badge is completely autonomous, while fitting in the form factor of an original badge

joeJoe 02/03/2017 at 05:130 Comments

Before manufacturing a fully miniaturized system it is always wise to prototype at a larger scale first. This will help find bugs that will reduce the likelyhood of having to do a board respin later. In my case, must of the components I wanted to work with could easily be bought on Adafruit of Sparkfun with easily breadboardable headers.

In this breadboard prototype, I connected two Teensy LC micro-controllers to two wireless transceivers, microphones, speakers, etc. I wrote some code to configure one as a transmitter and one as a receiver to test the communications protocol/procedure, bitrates, and the system as a whole. Here are some of the lessons I learned:

  1. The 3.3V regulator on the teensy is not powerful enough to power the receiver and speaker at the same time. I needed to have an external, higher-power regulator.
  2. The Arduino library for the RF transceiver doesn't support the high-data-rate mode so it had to be modified for this application.
  3. Any mic used needs high gain in order to be able to hear a human voice while attached to a lapel. Because a mic amplifier takes up valuable space and power I have found a mic that has an internal low-power amplifier. In addition, the teensy has an internal amplifier than can be used if additional gain is needed.
  4. I thought the RF module had built features that made it simple to operate ( such as a power-on-reset feature) but it has been proven that it doesn't. Therefore, I have found that additional pins need to be connected to support all the modes I need.
  5. Some times the Teensy doesn't play well with the RF library, therefore a manual reset button is a must and board space must be used.
  6. The speaker amplifier consumes considerable power so it is necessary that I choose an amplifier that has a shutdown mode.
