
More prototyping: Screen Options

A project log for GBAA: Game Boy Advance Arduino

An Arduino- based prototyping handheld housed in a GBA case

craig-hissettCraig Hissett 02/18/2017 at 02:160 Comments

So... While prototyping my Pro Micro/Nano/ESP8266 communication I have also been working at my dynamic menu options, using an Arduino lcd/button shield on an Arduino Mega.

While looking at the case and the space available for a screen I started considering other options that could possibly utilise the space better. Within approximately 90 seconds I'd found and bought a shield with a Nokia screen and buttons etc.

I'm going to have a play around with this as I could possibly use two of these screens in the space given and have a much better menu system and more feedback given.

Could be interesting!
