
Tengu Maraduer

It's supposed to be a flipper zero with wheels basically...But can add more stuff to make it cool. Two wheeled robot running ROS2 Humble.

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The Tengu Marauder is designed to be a portable hacking robot for short range networks like WiFi and bluetooth. It is basically a two wheeled 3d printed robot running ROS2 Humble on a raspberry pi 4 with a motor hat integrated with an Xbee X2C module and an ESP32 flashed with Marauder.

The Tengu Marauder is a modularity security robot for wireless testing, portable workstation and other tools

  • 1 × Raspberry Pi 4 Any model of the Pi4 also works too
  • 1 × ESP32 Single board MCU or ESP8266
  • 1 × Xbee X2C I used this one for communication but you can really use whatever wireless communication channel so long as it doesn't interferre with WiFi
  • 2 × TT Motor The robot needs wheels to move and these are relatively inexpensive
  • 1 × 3D printed parts You'll probably need a printer

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  • I did this because someone was brutally honest

    Lexi08/04/2024 at 21:15 0 comments

    About a year ago I made a demo labs project called the Strix Interceptor and got way too invested. I blew like thousands on getting old 3DR X8 drones and a HackRF SDR. I wanted to build a hacking drone which by all means isn't original. 

    I built the damn thing just to piss on my neighbor because he used a DJI drone with a mousejack RF tool on me. I thought I could one up him and I most certainly did. Problem is I basically fragged his DJI drone and my own. Also once my drone went up in the air it was gameover for everyone. I used Ardupilot to map it all but I really couldn't control it once it was in the air.

    Fast forward August 2023 and I presented it at DEFCON mostly just talking about what I was "trying" to do but failed to. For the most part I had welcoming opinions and ideas. But one person after my demo lab came up to me and said:

    "Look it was a cool idea man but honeslty that sucked."

    For the next 6 months I spent in depression jammies never wanting to touch drones or security again

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