
Hi There!

A project log for Sound-Reactive LED Guitar

Illuminated, 3D printed guitar.

shennenkampshennenkamp 02/04/2017 at 21:330 Comments

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the beginning stages of creating this guitar.

After many cycles through the iterative design process (and lots of constructive criticism), I believe I have finally settled on the aesthetics.

Functionality was kept in mind (where the pickups will be, how wide is the neck, etc), however as we all know, there will likely be many problems to solve throughout the build. (Which is where iterative design will come into play again.)

Mini Sketches Exploring Designs

After exploring motivations, and brainstorming ideas, it is finally time to make!

As of now, I am just beginning to model sketches using Autodesk 123D Design, while also researching the parts I will need. The results of these endeavors will be posted in future logs.

Let the project begin!

Finalist Design 1

Finalist Design 2

Why Not Both?
