A open source boring board, converting the Pi's PCIe HAT into a PCIe x1 card.
I have too many Raspberry Pi hats. Occasionally, I wish to debug them on an x86 computer, which gave birth to the idea of creating an adapter board. Thus, the open HAT-PCIe was born.
The board has 4 areas: PCIe x1 gold finger, 12V to 5V DC power area, Pi 5 PCIe connector, and Pi 5 HAT installation area
The wiring definition of the FPC connector is identical to that of the Raspberry Pi 5, please pay attention to the installation direction.
- Convert Pi 5 PCIe/NVMe HAT to PCIe x1 card
- Compatible with Pi 5 PCIe HAT
- Compatible with PCIe x1 Gen 2 and 3
- Compatible with 25mm or 30mm PCI bracket
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