
PCBs ordered!

A project log for TJ - $99 Thermal Imager

A thumb-sized device that plugs into your iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch headphones jack and turns your iOS device into a Thermal Camera

marius-popescuMarius Popescu 09/09/2014 at 09:012 Comments

After another two weeks of work evaluating and implementing different features / improvements / changes to TJ, I present you the TJ Gen2 prototype and shields: 

aaaand... what's that on the lower left corner? It's a...

The PCBs have just been ordered today at a China fab and should probably arrive late next-week.


Radu Motisan wrote 09/09/2014 at 13:04 point
Looking neat!

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Marius Popescu wrote 09/09/2014 at 15:15 point
Thanks, Radu! I hope they work too :))

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