*Customizable DIY Analog Video Glitcher
*Fits inside Altoid Syle Mint Container or Completely usable as just the Self Contained PCB.
*Simple THT parts and Low part count to get that simple Analog AV Glitch on a CRT TV.
*Very compact PCB with Ability to patch different components for different glitch effects.
*Works on 12v or 9v battery.
*Add as many buttons or house in bigger container
Why I made it?
I wanted to have a self contained PCB or one that could be housed in any-type of Reusable Tin.
This very simple circuit has been floating around for sometime and wanted to do a simple version before I make a more complex one that has Voltage Control for the Glitching.
Been doing an lunch kit analog glitcher with the Rev 1 Pcbs. It's going to have 2 glitchers inside of it. One a built in camera and the other for a vhs. The two knobs on the left bottom are for signal mixing. The right bottom is button glitches and switch glitches. The Inputs and outputs are on the top. It's going to be awesome once completed.