This project is built around the ESP32-2432S028 aka Cheap Yellow Display. The following GitHub page was very useful when creating this project, check it out!
The project is pretty straight forward. The player presses anywhere on the screen to start the game, and a random word/phrase from the Master_List.txt file on the SD card is selected and shown on the screen. They have to get another player to guess the word, then pass the unit to the next player who does the same.
Once a word is randomly chosen and displayed, it is moved from the Master_List.txt file to the Used_Words.txt file. This ensures all words/phrases in the Master List are used precisely once, even in between game sessions. Once the Master List is empty, all phrases in the Used Words list are moved back into the Master List. The master list is currently about 1300 lines long (thanks ChatGPT).
You can also connect to the Wifi Access Point "BatchCraze" that is broadcasted from the game. Once connected, go to and submit new phrases or words to be added to the game! These suggestions are populated into the Submitted.txt file on the SD card. You can then connect and go to and approve (individually, or all at once) or deny the suggestions. The approved items are added to the Master_List.txt file. I added the option to Deny because I foresee some of my friends adding ridiculous words/phrases that I may not want in the game.
Missing features still in development:
- Get the speaker working. I have a timer mp3 file that I'd like to play through the speaker to give a time limit, but haven't got the code working yet. I welcome any help with this part!