
Monkey Business

A project log for Malleo Magicis

The Magic Hammer A Collection of Synaesthetic art and music painted, composed, arranged and recorded by Jez 'HexHammer' Boxall.

morningstarMorning.Star 01/28/2019 at 09:351 Comment

Usually I turn my magic on some poor hapless official for their ineptitude. A bit of dark muttering and some smoke, and before they know it they wake up with a tail. Or warts, another favourite staple.

Pissing off a Mage isnt wise. XD

For once tho, I decided to turn it on me. I dont do this often, I have a rule - not for my benefit. I dont ever want to stop doing or enjoying what I do, so if I decided to make money, say, with my skills I'd have to choose one of them. And it would become like a job too. Everything does when you spoil it with money.

@Dr. Cockroach has started building a full Fur Suit, and I've patiently watched him research and acquire the materials, and dip a toe into the waters of the Furry world by going to a FurCon.

These suits are amazing. They arent what you expect. In fact the latest generation feature technology heavily. Heads-up displays/VR, animatronics, the eponymous LED strip, voice changers, you name it. And its growing. So much that, to a point, these suits are set to become an interface between the world and the person wearing it. Almost a wearable AI robot, that reads the behaviour of the wearer and retransmits it using the suit capabilities.

I see inter-suit comms on the horizon, syncing of suits, in-world VR content...

Think about it, since the 80s people have been avoiding VR because it requires an awful Spandex suit laced with sensors and a headset. Nobody but a complete nerd would walk around like that, and even though VR has become very detailed, it isnt yet an overlay over the real world, still an experience out of it.

Well Fursuits can easily contain the required hardware, all thats needed are beacons in the real world so the overlay mtaches it. Its so close...

That, and Doc's enthusiasm for this inspired me too.

Name : Simeon.

Species : G. Sapiens.

Origin : Alterra, Xing Galaxy.

Age : Unknown.

Sex : Male.

Orientation: Really?

Occupation : Primate Council Special Operations Engineer.

Location : Stranded on Urth.

Mission Status : Mission compromised by Oooman authority figures. Monkeys, cant be trusted... Please send a detatchment for extraction.


Dr. Cockroach wrote 01/28/2019 at 10:24 point

Glad I could be of some service my friend ;-)

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