
BANDIT a standalone RP2350 ColorForth Computer

BANDIT is an RP2350 standalone computer that runs PC32 ColorForth natively.

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The BANDIT Project aims to produce a simple machine that is easy to learn and enjoyable to program games in.

Pre-orders are coming soon, please subscribe to mailing list if you'd like to get one:

The current design specs are as follows:

Self contained baremetal PC32 ColorForth contains bootloader core, source code editor, THUMB assembler, palette and graphics editor, music tracker and documentation. 

Easy to learn, easy to modify and FAST.

  • RP2350 running at 250Mhz Dual Core
  • 8MB memory mapped PSRAM (battery backed)
  • 256 color palette
  • VGA or HDMI compatible output
  • 320x240 or 640x480 screen resolution double buffered
  • 3000 8x8 sprites at 60fps
  • 400+ textured triangles at 60fps
  • 16bit I2S sound programmable in software: 6 channel FMsynth + PCM
  • SDcard storage
  • Wireless connection via ESP8266
  • 32 key keyboard w mechanical switches
  • 3.2 inch IPS panel(320x240) with capacitive touch, works as a secondary screen when connected to a monitor display
  • 1000mah battery suitable for low power operation in portable mode, used as PSRAM backup power normally

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