
1. Starting the Game: Press the push button to start a new game. The LED matrix will display shuffled dots according to the configured difficulty level.
2. Interacting with the Game: Use the slide switches to toggle rows / columns of  the matrix.
3. Hints: During gameplay, press the push button to display the next AI predicted move on the LED matrix.
4. Finishing the Game: The game will automatically detect when the correct path has been solved and will display a completion animation on the LED matrix.


1. Clone the repository and navigate to the project folder:

git clone 
cd neurodots 

2. Build the project using CMake. Ensure you have exported the PICO_SDK_PATH environment variable before proceeding:

export PICO_SDK_PATH=/path/to/pico-sdk 
mkdir build 
cd build 
cmake .. 

3. Flash the compiled binary to your Raspberry Pi Pico:

  • Bridge JP1 to enable flashing 
  • Copy the neurodots.uf2 file to the RP2040 flash drive to complete the installation.


Brightness and Level Settings: Hold down the push button while turning on the device to adjust the brightness and difficulty level using the slide switches. The settings will be saved to flash memory for future sessions.

See for more details, source files, schematic and pcb.