
PCC Time Machine

The PCC Time Machine is a retro-tech clock highlighting display technologies and the beauty of electronics.

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The PCC Time Machine is a retro-tech clock designed to highlight vintage display technologies (Nixie tubes! a vane display!) and the beauty of electronics. Designed, fabricated (mostly!), coded, and assembled in-house, the creation of the clock was full of challenges and triumphs. From integrating vintage and modern elements, to gaining new skills like woodworking and acrylic fabrication, the project was an exercise in getting over fears, getting comfortable with mistakes, and learning heaps along the way.
The Time Machine will be on view as part of the Windows Through Wires Exhibition celebrating display technology, this Friday, November 22, 2024, 7-9PM, at the SupplyFrame DesignLab- Pasadena, CA.
  • 1 × STEPMOTOR DRIVER 17451-MS 2-Phase 1.8 degrees Stepmotor Driver CW230
  • 1 × PHOTOSENSOR (Reflective) Omron EE-SY310/ - SY410
  • 1 × LCD DISPLAY Newhaven NHD-011GZ-FSW-GBW

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Tom Thoen wrote 11/03/2024 at 04:59 point


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dharbott wrote 11/02/2024 at 18:45 point

they said we couldn't... but we did it!!! 

we built a....  TIIIIMMMMEEee....   MAAAAASHEEEEEEENNnnn!!!

AAH HAAAaaa HAAAaa Haa haa haaaaa...  ha........

_| ̄|○

I'll let myself out now

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