1. Electronics
The ‘brain’ of the system is a Raspberry Pi Pico. Power is delivered with a DC laptop charger. From the female DC Jack barrel onboard the PCB, the voltage is stepped down to 6V and 3.3V using voltage regulators. 6V regulators supply power to the 5 servo motors, and the 3.3V regulator is used to power the Pico. A small button is also onboard the PCB which causes an interrupt to be triggered in the Pico when pressed. This is used to control the lifting and relaxing of the robots arms.
2. Mechanical Design
The mechanical design of the robot has been accomplished using the CAD software, ‘Onshape’, as well as, the 3D modelling and animation software, ‘Blender’. Thereafter, these 3D models are printed using my personal Prusa i3 MK3S+ 3D printer. The torso of the robot was sourced online from ‘Prusa Printables’ (link down below).
3. Links
Low poly male torso used in video: Creator: Karosass1 Link to model: https://www.printables.com/model/2123...