
Blue Dmod v1.1

Proper PCB design and less components for updated Blue Dmod.

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This is update to Blue Dmod, now I will have Proper PCB and less components. we call is Blue Dmod v1.1

This is update to Blue Dmod prototype. now in PCB form with few changes.  

See for first attempt.

Blue Dmod v1.1 Wiring Diagram.jpg

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If you want to use potentiometer for delay timer.

ino - 1.71 kB - 11/21/2024 at 16:48



If you don't want to use potentiometer for delay timer. 1000ms default time is used.

ino - 1.36 kB - 11/21/2024 at 16:48


  • PCB Design Faults

    uhpowerupa day ago 0 comments

    While assembling the PCB few faults were discovered, Old PCB is scraped. New design will be posted soon. I’m still learning PCB design. Apologies for delay.

  • PCB Arrived

    uhpowerup5 days ago 0 comments

    PCB arrived, Will be soldering components.

  • Update 3

    uhpowerup11/25/2024 at 22:18 0 comments

    PCB had a issue, new PCB have a cut out for Bluetooth antenna to reduce interference.
    You can choose any of the code if you would like to potentiometer then use "BlueDmod-1.1_rev1.2_POT".
    if you do not want to use potentiometer then use "BlueDmod-1.1_rev1.2_non_POT" a default delay of 1000ms is implemented.

  • PCB revision and customization options

    uhpowerup11/21/2024 at 06:57 0 comments

    With careful consideration and few feed backs, I have decided not to hard mount the I/O port on PCB. It will be 5 pin unpopulated header you can choose to connect appropriate connector or hard wire it to your Radio. My best suited option for ports is M12 data connector, GX12 aviation connector or RJ45 port.

    In addition, I have left the power system alone will be totally users’ discretion. You can use “MH-CD-42” Charging and 5VDC booster module.

    User can use “J1” jumper setting to select PTT_M to contact Ground when PTT is triggered or have PTT_S if the radio PTT is triggered using internal pins.

    Previously uploaded Pictures will be replaced by new ones.

    Will keep everyone updated on further developments.



  • First Entry

    uhpowerup11/19/2024 at 15:03 0 comments

    Designed the PCB and reduced few component's like CW 025 relay module,  driving 5VDC relay directly from Pro Micro using BC547 Transistor.  Added a 10K pot to select the Delay of Relay switching (prototype was only possible via code). Using new BT003 Bluetooth module as SMD.  

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