
Part One - Breadboards and Beginnings

A project log for BTTF ISS CLOCK

Track ISS passes using an iconic display format!

alex-bragdonAlex Bragdon 07/22/2014 at 02:250 Comments

Hello! This initial posting assumes you've watched the introduction video. (Linked here: Right so, my prototype is a little messy at the moment, but it is addressing 121 LEDs! Thats 70 for the 10 7-Segment digits, 2 for AM and PM, 48 for the 3 16-Segments for the month, and 1 final one for flashing separation between the hour and minute. There is a bit of a mistake I left out of the video that I wanted to point out here. Originally I had only planned on using the Adafruit HT16K33 driver backpacks, instead of a mix of them and the Philips SAA1064s. Unfortunately the HT16K33 only works with common anode displays and I accidentally ordered all my seven segments as common cathode! Luckily the SAA1064s work well, even if it does increase the part count (they require a 2.7nF capacitor and two transistors, each). Anyway i'm off to design some circuts! 
