Am having a hard time believing this diskette has too much in the way of copy-protection... The thing is, the disk itself has a handwritten label... Then there's the fact that it really doesn't do any good without *the hardware* that goes along with it... It's not like kiddos'd be passing it around like a game. Also, the writing on the label makes it sound a bit like it might've been an update [e.g. downloaded from the company's BBS?]. So, I'd think the problems I'm running into may be more-likely due to hardware/media, as opposed to copy-protection...
But this is a pretty amazing document:
And this has been quite helpful, as well:
Though, don't trust the schematic, there, for the CRC-generator... I tried implementing it, in code, based entirely on the schematic, and nogo... So I did some searching and found another, suggesting a different feedback-path.
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