
Keychain thermometer

A thermometer with Attiny85 and NTC thermistor, in keychain format

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A fully functioning thermometer reading a 10k NTC thermistor, showing temperature in degrees Celsius in binary format. It uses 6 LEDs to represent binary. System in in keychain format and is supplied by a single 2032 coin cell

A video on the product working:

Basically my intention was to create a thermometer I could carry with me wherever I go. So it had to be battery powered and small enough. I had created a binary thermometer the same before (Binary thermometer from FritzenLab) so using an Attiny85 for this project was really a go.

What I had never done before was supply the system with a single coin cell (CR2032), and it was good that it worked as intended, just connect the battery to Attiy85 and voilá.

  • 1 × Attiny85
  • 1 × THT coin cell holder
  • 1 × CR2032 coin cell
  • 1 × PTS815 SMD microswitch
  • 6 × Green 0805 LED

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  • Crowdsupply

    Clovis Fritzen12/05/2024 at 17:37 0 comments

    I actually posted this thermometer keychain to be evaluated for an eventual Crowdsupply campaign. It was quickly rejected, they argument the project does not have a public nor a selling point.

    This Is why I decied to post it on, to test the water and see what people think about it.

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