
Assembled; Doesn't blow up!

A project log for Atmel SAMC breakout

Simple breakout board for Atmel's SAMC 5V ARM chip.

westfwWestfW 08/01/2019 at 00:320 Comments

Well, there it is, with what might be about the minimal set of components needed to attach a debugger to see if it works.  Applying USB power (remember, there is no actual USB on this chip :-( ) causes the power LED to light up, and didn't release any smoke or cause my Mac to complain about drawing too much power, so that's a good sign.

The QFN soldering (my first time!) went better than I expected.  I used the "Maker Paste" low-temp solder from Adafruit, and a hot plate.  I guess I used too much paste, because I got solder balls around the outside, but they cleaned up pretty easily, and as much as I can actually see looks really good.  (and, it didn't blow up!)
