We are still working on the Arduino code of Simon says game and Crack the code game.
We try to do the same game as the creator. We use their code and circuits (you can find on https://www.instructables.com/Crack-the-Code-Game-Arduino-Based-Puzzle-Box/ )
Since we are not really familiar with Arduino, we have encountered some systemic problems. In detail, Arduino reported an error after uploading the code. We encountered the first problem with the library for the screen. We found a library, LiquidCrystal, that worked on our code by creating smaller circuits to test only the screen. We then modified our code to work with thenew modifications (with success for the screen). But the rotary encoder was not working. We change the actual library for the library encoder.h.
We searched for the solution of the simons says- maze game’s screen in Arduino through chatgpt but it hasn’t worked yet – changes in the circuit for the buttons and the screen / and changes in dimensions of liquid crystal ---> finally it works. The problem was that some pin on the arduino board were wrong ---> as we used a differant arduino than the uno one for the crack the code game the pins connected to SDA and SCL were not the same for the micro arduino (pin 2 and 3)
Then we had another issue with the buttons because we forgot to connect it to 5V. But it is not solving the problem as the test doesn't work.

<simplify the simon says – maze game >
After we got the feedback, we came up with an idea to make two buttons(left and right) on every intersection the player encounters. That way, we can get the simplest maze. But It would be too complicated to construct the arduino codes and place all the wires to the ariduino board. Also it causes another problem – We should construct a maze that has only 2 directions. It looks weird as well
So a member of our team suggested to make it simpler. We discussed to put a lever that designates 4 directions – west, east, north and south ; That way, we can use the normal version of the maze and the player can easily recognize the direction of the given instructions. We selected a suitable maze for the game below and decided to put it exactly on one plane of the cube – that doesn’t meet the plane of the dial. To insert the lever and fix its position firmly, another plane below the maze plane is needed.
The way how the computer knows the player follows the right pathway to the destination is to define the recipe of the paths. We decided to define 3 beginnings and 6 destinations so we have 18 pathways available for the game.

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