To anyone who would like to try this print, but has a printer with special needs, post in the comments, and i will be happy to try and adjust my code for your printer.
some things that i know may cause issues:
my vertical axis is Z, some printers label the vertical axis Y. I find this annoying about minecraft, but understand the design logic of Z coming out of a blackboard, rather than off a sheet of paper. I'm happy to create a y-vertical version of the code if people show an interest. In the meantime, the currently available code should be easy to adjust for this type of printer: open the code in editor of choice, find-replace ALL no quotes "Y" with "Q", than "Z" with "Y" and finally "Q" with "Z".
my zero point is at a corner, and all axis move positively away from that point, i believe some printers(i know the makerbot for one) have 0,0,0 in the center of the buildplate, and x and y can both be posative or negative. for smaller springs, this still works, and just shifts where the print is positioned. for larger springs, this may attempt to push past the boundries of the printer. the solution is a simple edit in the source code, removing the offsets, however editing the pre-produced gcode would be a nightmare(unless you made a scrypt to read values and subtract the offset back out)
any other discrepancies between the way my code operates, and the way your printer is designed, I make no promises, but i'll be happy to look into possible modifications.
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