
GlowPop - ATtiny85 mood light

Paper Lava Lamp - Night Light - reacts to sound and has adjustable brightness, USB port for charging, runs 24h on Battery

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GlowPop is crossing psychedelics with winamp!

GlowPop is a continuously running animation
All within one little cube.
Filled with wondrous colors it will immediately catch your eye and uplift your mood!
Sounds bring this little wonder to life.
In it's rested state GlowPop has a calming effect.

You can adjust the brightness with a dimmer - be it day or night you will witness the vibrant GlowPop colors!
The internal battery can be charged via the USB port and lasts up to 24 hours.

GlowPop has two windows for more 3D perspective

I am using a holographic diffraction film to diffuse the LEDs - has a very '3D' look. The light will go from very calm, relaxing, and smooth to fast and psychedelic.
The built-in microphone will pickup sounds and make that transition from night-light to club-like.

Technical Details:

- 25x WS2812 LEDs, powerful enough to shine in full daylight
- Runs on ATtiny85
- 5V/1A Micro USB charging port
- Microphone to react to sounds
- On/Off switch
- Knob to adjust brightness
- 18650 standard battery holder for 3.7V LiPo battery (battery included, 2300mAh)
- Integrated battery monitor to prevent over/under charge (2 charging status LEDs)

Development Story
It was during the first wave of the pandemic when I sat - basically grounded for months - in a tiny room. On a video call a friend showed me these colorful programmable LEDs and it clicked ...

See for all details on my Kickstarter page. The project only got 55% funding so I have a few things left to make some nice present for someone!


Glowpop box with 5 windows

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 44.03 kB - 01/26/2025 at 11:37



Lid for the box

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 15.41 kB - 01/26/2025 at 11:37


  • 1
    3D print the alternative housing

    I have added the STL files to print this new housing which has now 4 windows all around the sides

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