

A 3dprinted electro-mechechical clock with flexible digits

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Inspired from the hair rubber band of my daughter I created a mechanical clock which stretches a flexible elastic borrowed from a flexible pen to make the digits. The arms are moved by cams which stretches the elastic band to make the digits. Each digit approximately measures 50mmx 55 mm. The entire clock is about 300 x 140 x 150mm

The clock consists of  4 modules of digits paired in two units. Each pair is powered by  a 20mm geared stepper motor. Each pair has one module driven by the stepper motor and the second module is moved by a carryover mechanism.  Both the units are controlled by a control board in the base containing a atmega8 running in the arduino ecosystem.

The single module

The entire assembly of 4 modules

The base 

It contains the control board which consists of a Atmega 8 and a pair of a4988 stepper drivers

the complete drawing

  • 1 × Atmega 8 microcontroller
  • 2 × A4988 Power Management ICs / Motion, Motor and Servo Control
  • 3 × A3144 hall sensor
  • 2 × push buttons

  • testing a dual module with carryover

    ekaggrat singh kalsi01/10/2025 at 05:51 0 comments

    next I assemble a dual module to test the carryover mechanism. I worked smoothly as the 20mm geared stepper is a overkill for this purpose. The units motor homes to zero using the hall sensor and then runs clockwise to change the digits. After every one turn it carryovers to the tens module using a carryover gear mechanism.

  • testing a single module

    ekaggrat singh kalsi01/10/2025 at 05:47 0 comments

    I built a single module to test the concept. The module was driven by a geared 15mm stepper motor which was controlled by a cnc shield. I quickly realized that the torque need to turn the cams and followers was much more than I anticipated. The 15mm motor ran very hot and overworked. So in the next iteration I used 20mm geared stepper motors

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Leizar06001 wrote 3 days ago point

Nice ! You might be able to use a material that can slide through rings and be straighten by gravity or a spring

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ekaggrat singh kalsi wrote 3 days ago point

that is a great idea. i will try silicone led strings pulled by a spring. I need to somehow hold it on the arms and let it slide

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nologolon wrote 6 days ago point

Great idea! 

Imagine you could bend the luminous rubbery led filaments also. 

Would look great in the dark.

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ekaggrat singh kalsi wrote 5 days ago point

yes I thought about them but they cant stretch and cant be coiled to make a spring like band, Still looking for a material that can do that

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Dan Maloney wrote 01/10/2025 at 19:46 point

Great build, love the design! I can see how you probably played with those hair ties and made a few crude digits with your fingers and got the idea for this. Wrote this up, should publish soon. Thanks for another unique clock!

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ekaggrat singh kalsi wrote 01/11/2025 at 01:05 point

thanks a lot for publishing it!

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Ken Yap wrote 01/10/2025 at 06:19 point

👍 Haha this is cool.

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ekaggrat singh kalsi wrote 01/10/2025 at 08:14 point


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ekaggrat singh kalsi wrote 01/11/2025 at 01:05 point


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