
Testing Testing 123

A project log for Washing Machine Conversion

Converting a Manual switched washing machine in to a Arduino powered smart washer.

boris-van-galvinBoris van Galvin 03/10/2017 at 21:480 Comments

6 loads of washing and it is running as expected without any issues, I have even had the guts to leave it plugged in with the power on for 2 days now.

Now its time to pretty things up and start working on some additional features and more advanced code with a few safety features and maybe hook up the lid switch again

Given most of the routines are time based I have decided to make use of probably one of the best librarys i have found. Chrono as it has all the features required and the developers are prety quick to respond to any issues.

LOL: And as luck would have it ,after completing 6 loads of washing and hanging it out to dry it started to rain :( given the urgent need for some clothes I decided to use the dryer and to my dismay that stopped working. I can see another hack coming in the near future but for now the problem was the tensioner for the drum belt had work out at the door clip had broken. Thankfully I have a 3D printer on hand so printing up a new clip and a new tensioner was a simple process.
