Design and build a hand repulsor system using CO2 or compressed air that’s powerful enough to break a pane of glass from 1-2 feet away.
- Do fun things related to Iron Man, since I don’t have a robotics job anymore
- Learn about unfamiliar technology with hands on experience
- Get back into physics and math a bit by calculating specs and estimating and testing
- Have motivation to use Arduino
- Keep costs low by buying used equipment
I ended deciding on CO2 or compressed air, because they seem simpler and accessible compared to more powerful options such as micro-turbines.
Here is the basic design:
- Compressed CO2 or air:
- Main power source. CO2 is denser with higher momentum, whereas air is lighter and easier to source and refill.
- High pressure regulator:
- Must handle ~800 PSI of CO2 or air and allow an output of 150-300 PSI (TBD)
- Splitter (eventually for both hands):
- For getting compressed gas to both repulsors
- Solenoid valve:
- For letting out puffs of compressed gas
- Nozzles:
- To direct and speed up flow and increase momentum