RTC at the English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
The Standard Modular System (SMS)

By ArnoldReinhold - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=47097339
all above are stock images...
below now are some of the original photos of when the cards that are going to be used in this project where rescued !

thee old 1620 was mostly unrecognizable as any thing really, it had been living in the back room of a big old house that had been fire destroyed a few years previous... i had heard thru an aquaintence that there was some old computer some where in ruins... so a sunday it was we went a main frame hunting
we even managed to get its magnetic core ! which is no longer around :(

it was a baffling experience to be fair... never had i seen this kind of tech hands on... its amazing what the human hand can make :)

such an amazing thing, i wish i still had some of it... ah well, on wards and upwards.
in thee end
i was very happy to become the custodian of this nice pile of cards

as they say down under,,,
winner winner, chicken dinner :)
Please add a link to the Wiki page on Standard Modular System. I was sure that SMS didn't stand for Short Messaging System, but you can spare other readers looking for the expansion of the acronym SMS.