Technical details
Charging the 220mAh battery takes less than 10 minutes. The two LEDs on the side of the plug will provide charging progress during charging.
The battery has a BMS directly at the battery to prevent over/under charging and will disconnect at 3.2V. I run the LEDs and ATtiny85 directly from the battery. The micro charge-controller will manage the maximum charging voltage of 4.2. A Full charge is good for at least 6 hours.
The colors of the lights can be changed with the push button on the side by using one of the two modes.
Click for color change:
- Yellow
- Green
- Cyan
- Blue
- Purple
- Pink
- Red
- White
- RGB multicolor
Push and hold:
- adjust the brightness
The RGB multicolor mode has 7 color pallets. They will be combined with 8 animation algorithms, this results in 7*8 = 56 different impressions of the animations. All animation algorithms react to beat and sound volume and will automatically adjust the gain on the microphone input.