
M.2 A-E Key Simple Carrier Board

A carrier to connect a M.2 Board to USB breaking out all other signals to TH testpoints

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A carrier to connect a M.2 Board to USB breaking out all other signals to TH testpoints.
The design came to life initially to test my M.2 RP2040 board (
First version of the board build with the beautiful after-dark process of OSH Park.

List of features:

- M.2 slot with all pads on the board to accept any key slot M.2 module, if the correct connector is mounted.

- PCIe signals are routed as differential pairs.

- Specifically made for A key and E key, works with a subset of signals for B key and M key.

- USB-C set up for 5V 3A max power draw.

- Switching regulator to generate 3.3V 1.5A to power the M.2 module.

- 1.8V LDO regulator to be able to work with the 1.8V UART and I2C signals

- Power switch for the 3.3V to the M.2 module with an enable jumper

- LEDs for 1.8V, 3.3V and switched 3.3V

- No mounting holes :( , will be added to rev 2.

- Design in KiCAD 8.

- Hand soldered.

M.2 pinout overview.pdf

Showing signals and keys of all used M.2 connectors

Adobe Portable Document Format - 48.21 kB - 02/10/2025 at 13:59


SCH P42_Mdot2_SimpleCarrier_r1.pdf

KiCAD8 schematic

Adobe Portable Document Format - 395.65 kB - 02/01/2025 at 19:05


  • 1 × Amphenol ICC (FCI) MDT420E01001 CONN M.2 A KEY FMALE 67POS 0.5MM SMD
  • 1 × Amphenol ICC (FCI) MDT420E03001 CONN M.2 E KEY FMALE 67POS 0.5MM SMD

  • Todo for Rev2

    MagicWolfi02/05/2025 at 02:54 0 comments

    - Add mounting holes - DONE

    - Extend the length of the board to add standoffs to hold at least a 30mm and 42mm M.2 module in place - DONE

    - Fix R1, C2 silkscreen - DONE

    - Fix TP44 text silkscreen - DONE

    - Add some 3.3V and GND testpoint to the hole array.

  • Testing the first board

    MagicWolfi01/30/2025 at 02:06 0 comments

    Testing the board went well so far.

    - 3.3V switcher is working and stable at 3.259 V.

    - Power switch is working.  0V when the jumper is open.

    - Got USB connection on the 2nd try. Issue was the standard USB-C issue: I did not notice that I used a power only cable because of no markings on the cable. With a good USB-C data cable I got immediate connection to my M.2 RP2040 board. It showed up as the regular RP2 device and I could program my test FW without issues.

    - Power rail LEDs are working.

    - 1.8 V regulator is not populated yet.

    - And we can play the usual game of rev1 to find the uups in the silkscreen. This time it is 2 of them.

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