
Ambient Energy Field Converter (AEFC)

A system designed to capture and collect energy from EMFs, now being refined to enhance circuit efficiency and output.

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This project explores the creation of an energy harvester (AEFC) that taps into ambient electromagnetic fields (EMFs) The goal is to create a portable system capable of collecting and converting energy from the surrounding environment.

This project explores a method for capturing, storing, and utilizing ambient energy from various natural and environmental sources. The system leverages inductive elements, capacitive components, and strategic circuit design to harvest energy from both the Earth's ground potential and electromagnetic fields (EMF).

By tuning and optimizing energy pathways, this harvester demonstrates the potential for capturing small, otherwise untapped energy sources, offering unique applications for off-grid power systems and sustainability-driven experiments.

Further experimentation focuses on improving the stability and efficiency of the energy collection process, refining circuit architecture, and enhancing energy storage capacity.

The components list is not exhaustive and does not include all components.

  • 2 × 8 Guage Bare Copper Grounding Wire Coil-Fifty Feet
  • 1 × Full Bridge Rectifier
  • 1 × 2200 uf Capacitor W/ choke
  • 1 × 8 Guage Bare Copper Grounding Wire Coil-Twenty Five Feet

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