
Apple Logical Box

An excuse box

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This project is a school initiative designed to create an interactive object. Our project is to create an excuse box for students when they arrive late to class.

1. General Process with Validation

2. Excuse Request:

The student submits a request by pressing Button 1 on the device.

3. Request Processing:

  • The student chooses from several themes such as "transportation, alarm clock, funny."

4. Displaying the Generated Excuse:

The generated excuse is displayed on a screen so that the student can read or hear it.

5. User Validation:

Before proceeding to the next step, the student validates the excuse.

  • Button 1: If the excuse is suitable, the student presses a button to validate it.
  • Button 2: If the excuse is not suitable, the student can request the device to generate a new excuse.

6. Teacher Validation:

The message "Do you accept the student in class?" is displayed.

  • Button 1: If the teacher presses Button 1, a paper with the message "You are accepted in class" is printed.
  • Button 2: If the teacher presses Button 2, a paper with the message "You are not accepted in class" is printed.

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ABX00087-datasheet- CARTE ARDUINO WIFI.pdf

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0900766b81637ba4 - MODULE WIFI.pdf

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View all 11 files

  • 1 × **LCD or OLED screen**: To display the apology.
  • 2 × **Buttons**: To validate the apology and choose between reading/printing.
  • 1 × **Thermal printer**: To print the apology.
  • 1 × **Wi-Fi module**: To connect to the ChatGPT API.
  • 1 × **Power supply**: Rechargeable battery or power adapter.

View all 6 components

  • 1
    Box Design

    • Objective: Create a physical enclosure to house all electronic and mechanical components.
    • Steps:
      • 3D Design: Use 3D design software (such as TinkerCAD or Fusion 360) to model the box.
      • 3D Printing: If possible, use a 3D printer to create the enclosure or purchase a standard case compatible with the electronic components.
      • Cutouts: Add slots for the microphone, speakers, buttons, LCD screen, and thermal printer.

  • 2
    Electronic Hardware

    • Objective: Select the necessary electronic components for building the connected box.
    • Required Components:
      • Microcontroller (e.g., Raspberry Pi or Arduino with Wi-Fi module): The brain of the device, responsible for managing inputs and outputs (microphone, speaker, screen, buttons).
      • Push Buttons: To allow the user to validate the excuse or choose between voice playback and printing.
      • LCD Screen: To display the generated excuses. A 16x2 LCD screen or an OLED display is recommended.
      • Thermal Printer: A small thermal printer, like those used for printing receipts, will handle excuse printing.
      • Power Supply: Either a rechargeable battery or an AC adapter.
      • Mounting Plates & Wiring: Wires to connect all components, along with a mounting plate to organize them.

  • 3
    Hardware Assembly

    • Component Assembly:
      • Fixing Components in the Enclosure: The microphone, speaker, buttons, and screen must be secured in their designated slots within the printed or purchased case.
      • Connecting Components: Use wires to connect each component to the microcontroller. The Wi-Fi module or card must be connected to the internet.
    • Wiring Check: Ensure all electrical connections are correct and that all components function properly.

View all 5 instructions

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