
Working prototype!

A project log for Lightsource for a microscope ringlight

A project with the mission to replace an old lightsource for a microscope ringlight from leica.

ysteinØystein 03/23/2017 at 22:380 Comments

I have assembled all the electronics and the case. It is now a working protype! I started the day with soldering on wires to the led and crimping contacts. I then used some thermal adhesive to attach the led to the heatsink, after 10 minuttes of curing this was the result.

I then wired it quickly together to make sure everything was working

Lets test it!

Now I laser cut out a new backplate that had mounting holes for m2 screws. The m2 screws held the pcb in place. I then assembled it and tested it at the microscope. A temporary sucsess! Now, I will post it on slack that bitraf uses and hopefully recieve som feedback.

I know there are some things that I need to do with it.

I am excited to hear what the feedback is going to be.
