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Mesh of sensors, zigbee, custom RF, BT, wifi, all to MQTT Gateways on Raspberry Pi with database, dashboard and webapps.


avtop2k wrote 07/05/2018 at 12:45 point

hi Wassim firmware_rf_sensors_node has error  CLK_CRTCR_RTCDIV,CLK_CRTCR_RTCSEL and RTC_WUTRH_WUT is undefined  , pr04_LightBroadcast,pr02_AmbientLight has lot error i think its not locate lib file

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Wassim wrote 07/06/2018 at 15:43 point

Hi @avtop2k , the project firmware_rf_sensors has only pr01_Node_Alive and pr03_PressHumTemp and that were maintained and are still compiling as of the last version, the projects pr02 and pr04 are not maintained because the light broadcast is also available in pr03 in the function rf_light_bcast(). You could reimport the libs correctly but you do not need to do that.

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avtop2k wrote 07/05/2018 at 08:09 point

Thx Wassim , IoT_SIM8 rgb_leds is receiver only ?, how to make color change to rgb_leds_rf node , is this not latest ? I am not able to understand by the comment  "But actually, the STM8 was the very first version of the mesh HW"

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Wassim wrote 07/06/2018 at 15:33 point

Yes rgb_leds is receive only, acknowledge excluded. To make the colors change you have to send the corresponding packet frame, the function "rf_rgb_set()" from the file "rf_messages.c" is an example how to send an RGB color packet, that has to be adressed to the corresponding destination node.

The STM8 is a microcontroller that I used in an old project on which I stopped working. Now I am using a different microcontroller, the nRF52 that you can find in my project of the provided link in my previous comment.

Actually, I can help you more if you explain what you would like to do then I might make suggestions, you should stick to the IoT_STM8 only if it is very important to you to use the STM8 and not any other, or you'relearning it for fun.

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avtop2k wrote 07/04/2018 at 09:18 point


I am trying to compile IoT_STM8 rgb_leds firmware but in libs giving compile error "rfi_header_size", "rf_pid_0xDF_retransmit", and "rfi_payload_offset" variable not found , I try other code also all giving some error in libs code any suggestion how to compile. 


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Wassim wrote 07/04/2018 at 18:47 point

Hi, yes, thank you for your finding, I fixed these compilation errors in the commit I made today just for maintenance


make sure you're using the repo

But actually, the STM8 was the very first version of the mesh HW and I stopped working with it, that is why they are deprecated, and at the time, I did not had a good project share with submodules to prevent update of shared libs without breaking other projects.

Since then, I moved to the STM32 for bridges and continuously powered devices, I implemented also a driver for the WS2812B there.

And after the STM32, I switched to the nRF52 for which I found nice small USB dongles that I reflash with nRF firmware. I see you also followed my project #nRF52 Sensors Mesh Network , thank you for your interest, that is the project I am currently actively working on, so if you have questions or require support for that project I will be able to help much easier.

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