

Low cost Stephen Hawking ACAT like tool for Android Devices

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The goal of this project is to build a ACAT application for Android devices. ACAT is the application used by Steven Hawking that allows him to speak to the world. It requires PC and possibly other expensive hardware (hundreds to thousands of dollars). By building an ACAT like application for Android can open the possibilities for other to be able to use this type of technology at a much lower barrier to entry. Possibly even as low at $10 by purchasing a pay as you go type Android device.

I hope to be able to leverage some of the code from this ACAT project on github:

I was quite surprised when I found out this simple to create technology did not yet exist for an Android device. Thus I decided to take it on. The project is named Tawking in honor of Stephen Hawking whom uses a similar type device and for whom we admire for perseverance in scientific pursuits in spite of his condition.


Hackaday Prize 2017 Requirements

  • Discuss the challenge the project addresses
  • This project provides a low cost high tech solution to individuals and families that need augmented communication due to a disorder that prevents normal speech communications.

  • Discuss how the project will alleviate or solve the problem that the project addresses
  • This project will leverage low cost Android devices to proved augmented communications.

  • Discuss how the project might be world changing

  • Publish at least one (1) image illustrating how the project might be used. This may be a sketch, schematic, flow chart, rendering, or other type of image.
  • Link to any repositories (e.g., Github)

  • Document all open-source licenses and permissions as well as any applicable third-party licenses/restrictions
  • Currently BSD-3 Clause, but thinking about changing it to GNU
  • Submit the Project to 2017 Hackaday Prize using the “Submit project to...” option found on the published Project Profile.
  • Done.

  • Show at least four (4) Project Log or Instructions updates on your Project Profile
  • Done, more to come.

    View all 6 project logs

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