
Plan for large-scale training run with object detector using Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and Linear Support Vector Machines (SVM)

A project log for Elephant AI

a system to prevent human-elephant conflict by detecting elephants using machine vision, and warning humans and/or repelling elephants

neil-k-sheridanNeil K. Sheridan 04/07/2017 at 19:300 Comments

In this large-scale training run I'll be using 5177 negative images, and 750 positive elephant-images. I'll attempt hard-negative mining on 500 images. Hard-negative mining is outlined in the following paper 'Object Detection with Discriminatively Trained Part Based Models' (Felzenszwalb et al.).

I'll be using the following EC2 instance: r4.16xlarge, with vCPU=64, ECU=195, and Memory GB=488. It's about $5/hr for rental. So hopefully I won't get broken pipe on the SSH session near the end!

Storage is 300GiB with provisioned IOPS SSD, 15000 IOPS. So that's extra cost I expect!

Negative images to use:
