I2C OLED Pinout Nightmare
08/28/2017 at 08:26 • 2 commentsI have now ordered the OLEDs from three different vendors. Two of three times they had the "right" pinout (the pinout I used for the PCB design). The other time the VCC and GND pins were swapped. On the first picture you can see how I fixed this problem.
The last displays I have ordered, came in these nice cases. I have to build a project which fits in there. (thinking of an ATtiny and a coin cell, ...)
Deauther / Packet Monitor
08/12/2017 at 17:04 • 1 commentI combined spacehuhn's deauther and packet monitor programs into one program and changed a few things, now the program runs on my controller.
I can switch between the two modes by pressing left and right
Short Update
07/01/2017 at 16:11 • 0 commentsI finally had access to a metal saw, so I cut the screws to the right length and screwed on some cap nuts.
At the moment I am modifying spacehuhn's awesome esp8266_deauther code to get it running on my controller. -
Demo video
06/11/2017 at 20:34 • 0 commentsI made a short demo video how I use the controller to interact with my smartHome. It was a bit difficult to get the right exposure on the OLED display, but I think it is readable.
I also received ~12€ from the "Hackaday Prize Seed Funding" a few days ago. A big thanks to Hackaday and the Hackaday community. I used the money to buy Andrew "bunnie" Huangs new book "The Hardware Hacker".
Hardware finished
06/05/2017 at 10:42 • 0 commentsI soldered the PCB and assembled all the parts. I still need to cut the screws to the right length, but apart from that the hardware is finished. The PCB is functional, but there are some things I would change next time. For instance:
- label the individual pins of the connectors
- label the "reset" and "flash" buttons
- use an 0805 diode package instead of an 0805 resistor package for diodes (on the PCB is no mark how the diode should be installed)
I will make an example code, which shows how to use the buttons and control the LEDs. The code should be on github in a week or so.
PS: If someone near to Austria wants a PCB, drop me a line, I don't need all of them.
05/24/2017 at 13:14 • 2 commentsThe PCBs arrived yesterday, 16 days after ordering them. Impressive.
Unfortunately I am not in my apartment until sunday evening. Maybe I have enough time to solder the board next week.
changed schematic, PCB ordered
05/07/2017 at 12:22 • 0 commentsI have added a diode to every button. Now I can detect more than 2 simultaneous button presses.
The circuit works pretty well on the breadboard. The multiplexed LEDs are flickering, but I think I can fix this in software.
I also ordered the PCB today, it should be here in a month or so.
First Software Tests
04/30/2017 at 19:32 • 0 commentsThe PCB-Mill still needs some software tweaks, so I may get them manufactured at a PCB house and try the mill at my next project.
Meanwhile I started writing a test program. For testing I use a NodeMCU board. I use this nice library by squix to communicate with the OLED.
3D printed buttons
04/06/2017 at 18:38 • 0 commentsToday I printed the buttons for the controller. The surface finish isn't that beautiful, but they fit nicely into the top acrylic plate.
Final PCB Design
04/02/2017 at 14:46 • 0 commentsI have access to a small CNC-Milling machine. Therefore I designed an 1-layer board with relative thick traces 0.4mm (15.75 mils). I wasn't able to route everything on the top layer, so I have to use some jumper wires for the bottom layer.