
Updates (long time no post)

A project log for SnappCat - memed pics from your cat to your phone

SnappCat is a small device that recognizes your cat(s), takes a picture, adds a meme, and sends it to your mobile phone.

william-gloverWilliam Glover 07/24/2017 at 01:230 Comments

Hello all,

It has been a long time since I (William Glover) have updated anything on our Hackaday page, and for that I do apologize.

However, even though it has been a while, we have not stopped working! Since last time we posted:

Alright so my apologies on the lengthy blog, which contains no pictures… wait, I will add at least one picture. Anyways, this is what we have been up to, people of Hackaday; so love our page, follow us, comment, you know do everything awesome!

Meet The Team - Gentry (William), Ben, and Frankie.  Not pictured - Newton (cat), Zoro (cat)
