
june 30, 2017

A project log for Affordable Exoskeleton Arm (ExoArm)

An affordable Exoskeleton Arm (ExoArm), that will help elderly, disabled people and workers complete everyday tasks with less exhaustion.

kristjan-berceKristjan Berce 06/30/2017 at 14:441 Comment

The SG (strain gauge) is mounted on the forearm. I placed 2.5kg weight on the arm, the SG did the job and everyone is happy forever. Well not really. Not yet. When I applied pressure upwards, the sensor value decreased, which is a good sign so big props to the theory from june 20 log. The battle is on!

Next step is to create a holder for the arm, so that I can further test it (putting it on and off from my arm is agonizing especially if I do it 40 times a day).


Kristjan Berce wrote 06/30/2017 at 15:27 point

P.S. I know it looks like a car from a junkyard, but my 3D printer and time are still not to be seen. Probably because I still didn't ordered the printer and I have exams. Hm.

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