Quantity   Component name
5 × Arduino nano (CH340g clone) The cheapest and easiest way to build devices using Arduino.
5 × Stripboard If we have to solder multiples cables on a pin, we will need this.
100 × Resistors pack It is cheaper to buy resistors in bulk quantity.
1 × WS2812B RGB Leds strip These leds only required 3 pins to works, no matters how much you want to use
1 × Buzzer Buzzer can be used for notifications, we can also control them with midi.
1 × RXB6 ASK Receiver A 315/433Mhz receiver to receive codes from radio remotes
1 × ASK transmitter A 315/433Mhz transmitter to send codes to power outlets / lamps
1 × nrf24l01+ Transceiver Send / Receives codes from milight lamps.
1 × Raspberry Pi Zero W Only needed if you want to use libreInterface without a computer.
1 × DHT11 Temperature and Humidity sensor