
Version 1.1

A project log for BreatheDot: A Portable Meditation Aid

A small battery-powered meditation aid to keep you focused and refreshed wherever you go. - Available on Tindie!

ben-limBen Lim 03/29/2017 at 13:280 Comments

Some potential updates to the algorithm used to simulate breathing:

  1. Fade in - blink - lit - blink - fade out
  2. Fade in - lit - fade out
  3. Fade in - lit - blink - fade out

Some changes to the design include adding breakouts for all pins so that the program can be updated, and testing with a second LED for alternative patterns of light. By adding breakouts I will have to rotate the ATTiny85 so that the leads don't cross. Because the battery is on the other side, I am unable to put vias in the center of the board because I don't want it to short.
