
Schematic For The Balancer

A project log for Low-Cost Non-Dissipative Active Battery Balancer

This cell balancer will transfer electrical charges from a strong cell to a weak cell. Ideal for electric vehicles.

afdhal-atiff-tanAfdhal Atiff Tan 04/07/2017 at 22:181 Comment

YG asked for the schematic diagram of the balancer, so, I thought I post it here:

The circuit is the non-optimised version of the project. As you can see, the design is fully analogue with no expensive specialised chip.

I will update it to the optimised version at the end of the project.

The circuit should allow any buck converter chip to be controlled via a voltage reference (instead of a voltage divider network).

Feel free to tinker and contribute!


Yann Guidon / YGDES wrote 04/07/2017 at 22:28 point

Interesting, thanks !

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