
Ordering PCBs / Components

A project log for LED Matrix Watch

Wrist watch with monochromatic 16X16 LED Matrix inspired by retro LED watches of 70s and 80s.

mileMile 04/30/2017 at 21:001 Comment

I have ordered PCBs from OSHPark. They are expected to be done by May 19th, adding shipping time I except them by the end of May. For now only gerber files are available in project repository. I will upload entire project file with embedded step model of enclosure when model is. Finished gerbers look something like this:

All of the components were ordered from Mouser except LEDs used for matrix (Vishay TLMS1000), connectors and battery. LEDs were ordered from TME since they were cheaper (0.0715$ @ 500pcs compared to 0.138$ @ 500pcs). Here are some pictures of lit LEDs soldered on soe random PCB (I wanted to see how well epoxy diffuses light):


oshpark wrote 05/08/2017 at 07:58 point

Nice design!  we look forward to seeing more of your project

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