
TI F28377S Quadcopter Boosterpack

Learn to fly your Quadcopter with TI C2000 Microcontroller

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Even though these are already widespread, I still believe that quad-copter projects are very exciting. The possibilities to expand the existing project are immense and the associated learning possibilities are the same. I decided to create a compact booster pack out of several breakout boards. The pinout corresponds to the specification of TI lauchpads.

The printed circuit board offers the soldering connection for ESCs, voltage supply with a low-voltage controller, solder pads for a NRF24L01 mini breakout board as well as other freely assignable connections. An MPU9250 module and a BMP280 module are included for the position control. It is also possible to connect a GPS module. The board offers just enough space to accommodate a flysky x6b receiver.


MPEG-4 Video - 27.17 MB - 08/06/2018 at 14:26


  • 1 × Texas Instruments LAUNCHXL 28377S
  • 1 × InvenSense MPU 9250
  • 1 × Bosch BPM 280
  • 1 × Nordicsemi NRF24L01
  • 1 × Ublox Neo6m

View all 6 components

  • Update II

    Benjamin Prescher08/06/2018 at 15:07 0 comments

    Up in the air! After serveral hours of work I would like to complete the project at the current state. The quadcopter flies well, the algorithms perform as desired. Yeah!

    Based on the prototype and the experiences gained here, I would now like to create an open-source project. I am going to create my own flight controller (PCB & software) and littly by little, I will introduce my new project here on

    This project will feature the latest C2000 controller F280049 from Texas Instruments as well as the new ICM20689 Gyro/Accel from Invensense. The follow-up project is about to start - stay tuned!

  • Update I

    Benjamin Prescher09/07/2017 at 15:23 0 comments

    After finishing my master thesis there was some time to keep up with the quadcopter booster pack.

    So far, I get well scaled angles using the MPU9250 and the Madgwick algorithm. In the same way, the remote control signals can be read in via the UART interface using Flysky IBUS protocol. In the next step, I will initialize the PID controllers and PWM peripheral to control the ESCs.

View all 2 project logs

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